Pellestrina Adaptive Reuse Site Plan

Pellestrina, Venice, Italy

This concrete platform was built on the island of Pellestrina for the construction of floodgates at the Malamocco inlet as a part of the MOSE flood protection system for the Venetian lagoon. This project aimed to adaptively reuse the platform after its abandonment. Our team surveyed island residents about existing proposals, synthesized the feedback, developed a new proposal, and presented it to Consorzio Venezia Nuova, the owner of the platform. Completed for MIT / Università IUAV di Venezia climate resilience research workshop.

Collaborators: Fabrizio Abate, Andrea Cibin, Giulia Fuochi, Giulia Giliberto, Emily Levenson, Ludovica Polo, Giulia Porcelli, Mary Hannah Smith

Supervisor: Mary Anne Ocampo


Rails to Trails to Rails


Allston Landing South